Rant Post: Observations!

9:49:00 pm

Hey friends. Hope everything has been going on well with you. I know, long time no post. Ok I'm here now so let's gist. I want to rant. Somethings have been bothering me recently and I decided to bring it up here for discussion. So here goes.

During my service year(NYSC), I was a teacher in a Federal government college and I taught a class in the senior secondary school. I got close to a few of my students and I engaged them in some conversations. I asked them some Biology related questions and they said "Aunty we're not offering Biology o! Its only for Science students..." And I was like ,"What?! Who told you that?!" They said it's how the curriculum operates now that Art students don't offer subjects like Biology and Agric anymore, its now strictly for Science students.

Excuse me! So because I'm an Art student, I'm not supposed to know anything about the Sciences and vice versa? What is the Ministry of Education doing? When I was in secondary school, I offered Biology and Agricultural science and Biology was compulsory for all of us, even those in the commercial class. Even if you want to study Law then you won't know your basic body functions and immediate environment? And even if you want to study Medicine then you're not supposed to know a little bit of Literature? How do you become versatile? What is all this? Economics is also optional now. Its no longer compulsory. Haba! Is it just me or does anyone else understand what I'm talking about?

Then JAMB decided to reduce the cut off mark for their examination. *sigh* Are we now encouraging failure? Isn't the Ministry of Education supposed to take measures to increase the standard of education so students can do better at school and come out with better results?

Oh! Then I heard History is about to be scrapped from the curriculum.

Please tell me its a joke. History?! Why don't we value our heritage? Why don't we like to promote our traditions and culture? The typical American is very knowledgeable about their history and they're being taught in school as from elementary school (primary school). What is the problem? I'm just wondering the kind of education our unborn children are going to receive in the nearest future.

Then my 6 year old niece in primary 2 came back from school last week and said they're now making use of biros in their class. Primary 2? Biro? LOL! A child in primary 2 is yet to have a legible and steady handwriting and they're being told to make use of biros? How do they correct mistakes? They start canceling and making rough notes right? How do they improve their handwriting? I didn't use biro till I got to primary 4 and I'm grateful for that. We had time for learning how to write, handwriting class. We also had a textbook/ workbook for it. I started making use of biros in primary 5. In the long run it paid off. I'm not boasting but I have a very legible handwriting and I used to get good comments about it back in secondary school. What is happening to the system of education in Nigeria? Where have we gone wrong?

I pray for my country Nigeria. We're 55 years old as a nation but we still have a long way to go. So many sectors need urgent attention and to me, education is the most important. Like we say, the children are the future leaders of tomorrow.

What are your thoughts on this? What other sectors need urgent attention in our dear country? Please leave your opinions in the comments section below.

God bless Nigeria.

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  1. In short, I wonder what is really going on. Very shocking "news" indeed. Biology not compulsory? It is well. I also heard that Geography is also not compulsory for science students. Na wahhh!!!

    1. Imagine! Geography too? Big Sis it is well o. God help Nigeria.

  2. May be it is the change mantra that is causing it, but I feel the above subject should be compulsory in our secondary level.

    1. Lol! Change mantra indeed. Yes, they should be compulsory. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Lool. Evita be showing your age o. haha. Seriously now, I went to an all science school and know I dont know jack about literature. The history part is the one that pisses me off the more. It is even worse now, I think. I believe it is going to be better, I truly believe.

    1. Hahahaha!! Oluchi be cracking me up. Yeah, I understand ur point about going to an all science school. The History part is really annoying and its getting worse. I share ur belief, its going to get better someday. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. I just taya.lol! Really shocking o.

  5. While I didn't do my secondary school in Nigeria what I can say from observing my younger siblings is that schools offer a lot of unnecessary courses. While no knowledge gained is wasted, imagine having to study for over 14 different exams. So yeah while cutting out those courses might not have been the best move I do feel that the subjects are a bit much. Also as for reducing the cutoff mark for JAMB I think that's better. A lot or students are stuck at home due to this and it's not because they are not smart, some people just don't test well. As for what other institution needs improvement I say technology needs a huge upgrade, from reducing the cost of Internet access to making more people familiar with using computers.
    Princess Audu

    1. Well said. I agree with you on the fact that students are made to write numerous exams that are quite unnecessary. And yes, telecommunications/technology sector needs a serious upgrade. We're made to pay so much to be able to access the internet. Also, more efforts should be made to educate those in the rural areas on computer literacy. Thanks a lot for your contribution Sarah :)

  6. Girll that biology & economics is another story because these are general things I feel everybody needs to have at least an idea about!!! All these subjects were offered while I was in school smh. The literature one is still fine for me (as a science student that doesn't want to be tested on story Lol) but heyy pry 2 using Biro? Issalova

    1. Lol! Science students and Literature. Asides that I'm glad u understand my point. Biology and Economics are general subjects that everybody should know a bit of and pry 2 using biro is just really annoying. I appreciate your comment Toyin. Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. loool im learning some new stuff about nigeria yeah im glad u share about school but i just realize that sometimes they teach stuff that are not even important


    1. Exactly. Some things that are taught now aren't important at all. Thanks for stopping by Yanes :)


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