The Age Question.
10:59:00 am
Hey lovely people! Long time right? Well, I've been MIA (missing in action) for some reasons but I'm back now. Life really has a way of handing you some serious lemons but I've decided to make the sweetest lemonade out of mine. So, how have you been? Hope all is well and you're in good health.
Ok. On to the topic of the day. Age. How old are you? Lol! Most people dread that question especially ladies and I really don't blame them. In my opinion(I have lots of opinions abi?) I feel we should all be proud of how old we are but society has made it seem like a sin to age. Come on, we all want to be old and gray but we want to remain forever young. Remember Jay Z's song "Forever Young" featuring Mr Hudson? "I wanna be forever young..." I have to admit though, getting old is scary but its something that can't be evaded.

As a teenager I couldn't wait to be in my 20s. Now I'm in my 20s and I suddenly want to become a toddler again, not even a teenager. Let me be pampered and have no worries except sleeping, eating and playing. Haha! The demands of adulthood are so many but what can we do? You have to brace up and be an adult. Nobody cares anymore. You have to make things happen and I can sincerely tell you that being 20 something isn't so much fun. Expectations everywhere. But we're capable right? Yes, I'm capable.
You come across job vacancies and the age thing hits you again. "Candidate has to be 24-28..." Can we really blame those who celebrate their 26th birthday in 4 consecutive years? So if I'm 29 I won't be able to get the job done? That's age discrimination if you ask me.

A lot of ladies are in the habit of hiding their real age. When asked how old they are especially by a guy, some tend to pick offense or lie about it. Is it such a big deal? It doesn't make you less or more of a person. Does it? Does lying about it change the fact that you're still aging? Lol. Mind over matter. You shouldn't be judged by your age.
There's no manual that says at 21 you should be doing this and not that. I don't mean you should be nonchalant about issues just because you're 20 something, but once you have a sense of responsibility all else would flow.
Being "forever young" is all in your mind. It is a state of mind and not a state of being. After all, we all want to grow old and by God's grace we will not only age but age gracefully. As for me being asked my age, I'll gladly tell you because it's not a big deal.
I seriously want to stay in this 20's but no choice jorr anyways I never hide my age because I'm proud to be 22 soon 23 man I'm getting old lool just need to graduate from college and I'm good lool thank you for sharing xoxo
Haha!! I know right! My 25th birthday is fast approaching and I'm having mixed feelings but I can't help it.I'm grateful. Lol! Enjoy your school days coz when you graduate you'll miss it. Thanks for stopping by Yanes :)
DeleteHaha this age thing Is with almost everyone!! But heyy I want to be a toddler too... I'm too young for all these stress haha
Lol! Yes o. Being a toddler was fun though. Stress less, you'll be fine. Thanks Toyin :)
DeleteAge! I still remain proud of my age,24 and 2 years working experience done....I feel glad but then I am conscious of the fact that I have to start making books of record. In that area of life no one is too young, infact I am too old...Loool
Yes girl! Proud to be 24 yo :D You'll start making records soon enough. We'll get there. Lool!! Thanks for stopping by Uju :)
DeleteI just wish you could pick an age of your choice and be stuck there for the rest of your life. I mean you wont age or look older.
Lool! What a wish. Well, we just have to deal with reality. Thanks Wendee :)
DeleteAge, that factor in every human's life that is never a constant. It is the essence that reminds us that time and time waits for no man. It is filled with memories and if we live consciously, we can strive to have only the best memories.
ReplyDeleteEvita, as much as I wish to go back in time, even more do I wish to know what the future has in store for me - to say I do, hear the cries of my children, be part of their graduation etc... You know warai mean right?
Egwumba’s Blog
Yes o! I! I'm looking forward to a very interesting future. Forward ever. Thanks Ugo, for always visiting :)
DeleteDear Evita, wait till you celebrate the big 30. Then you will wish you were in your 20's. Lol
ReplyDeleteHahahaha!!! Nkem your comment scared me sha! I'm not even thinking of that thought! Thir what! *scary*
Delete"There's no Manual that daysi you should be 21 and doing this and that".... Awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou know we grew up with our path defined... Go to school, go to school, get a job, get married, get kids and let them live life in the same pattern and so 20s naturally come with all the pressure... girls get married...Guys,
If only we all accepted that we were different and our phases are different too.
Exactly! If more people begin to realize these differences, the easier it'll be. The pressure nowadays is real. May God see us through. Thanks a lot Itimi :)